7th Grade Math

Thursday May 9: Finish graphing 10 board problems.

Monday April 22: Here are a few games to help practice your skills.
volume and surface area
7th grade games
7th arcade

Tuesday April 16: Come to class with your decision of a profession.
Monday April 15: Front side of Pythagorean's Theorem Worksheet

Wednesday April 10: Nice work today! Remember to bring your calculator to class.
Tuesday April 9: Finish practice test. Class test will be on Thursday instead of Wednesday
Monday April 8: Finish classwork CT 112-118 and complete homework CT 120 and 123

Tuesday March 26: Vote on either an individual career or a family business. Remember to email me your vote at becky@archwayschool.org

Friday March 22: Write and Solve 4 percent markup and discount word problems.

Friday March 15: Remember to follow directions on Monday and Tuesday

Friday March 8: 5 problems from the board
Wednesday March 6: Finish classwork CT 9,12,13,14
Tuesday March 5: Nice work on your test today. No HW tonight
Monday March 4: Study for Tomorrow's Test!

Friday March 1: Study for Tuesday's Test Topics Include: Area of Triangle, parallelogram, trapezoid; circumference & area of circles; proportions; similar figures with proportional sides; fractions to percents and percents to fractions.
Wed. Feb. 27: Finish proportional figure worksheet
Tuesday Feb. 26: Finish circle worksheet
Monday Feb. 25: House project due tomorrow!

Tuesday Feb. 12: No HW. We are working on our dream houses this week. Tomorrow is the last day to work in class. If you want to use a glue gun, duct tape, or glue, please bring them in.
Monday Feb. 11: No HW

Friday Feb. 8:Bring in materials to begin building your house. Bring in one object that is a cylinder.
Wed. Feb. 6: Proportion worksheet
Tuesday Feb. 5: Dimensions for each room on your plan.
Monday Feb. 4: Work on sketch of house.

Friday Feb. 1: No HW
Thursday Jan. 31: No HW.
Wed. Jan. 30: Review for quiz tomorrow
Tuesday Jan 29: 5 board problems
Monday Jan. 28: Finish solving equation worksheet

Thur. Jan 24: 44-45, Test Corrections on a sep. paper.
Wed. Jan. 23: No HW
Tuesday Jan. 22: No HW

Friday Jan 18: MC 26-28
Monday Jan. 14: Test tomorrow

Thurs. Jan. 10: Class work: 103-108 Homework: 109-111
Wed. Jan 9: 95-98
Tuesday Jan 8: GC 84-90
Monday Jan. 7: GC 71-78, this was started in class and you need to complete it before class tomorrow.

Friday Dec. 21: Enjoy your Holiday Break! Have fun and spend some time with your family!
Tuesday Dec. 18: classwork(53-56) HW 57-60
Monday Dec. 17: GC 43-50 started in class, need to finish for HW

Wednesday Dec. 12: GC 31-33, 36, 37
Tuesday Dec. 11: GC 21-25
Monday Dec. 10: GC 16, 17

Wed. Dec. 5: No HW
Tues. Dec. 4: PR 110, 111, 115, 116 Test Tomorrow
Monday Dec. 3: Finish classwork, PR94-96, 101-104, 107, 108 TEST on WEDNESDAY!

Friday Nov. 30: Finish classwork 85-90 and subtracting fractions worksheet
Thurs. Nov.29: PR 81-84
Tuesday Nov. 27: PR 71,72, and 74
Test coming SOON!

Nov. 21-25: 1 hour on Khan Academy

 Tuesday Nov. 13: MD 57-59; Quiz on Thursday
Wednesday Nov. 14: Study for Quiz: Topics include but are not limited to:
Probability of two spinners, Addition of fractions, conversion of fraction to decimal to percents
Here is a link to try for probability:  Probability resource
Check out this quick You tube video: Probability clip
Here is a website for Fraction,decimal, percent review: D-F-P review

Monday Nov. 5: No HW
Tuesday Nv. 6: No HW

Monday Oct. 29: MD #5-10
Tuesday Oct. 30: MD #17-20
Wenesday Oct. 31: Happy Halloween! No HW
Thursday Nov. 1: MD # 32, 34, 35
Friday Nov. 2: Log on to your individual KhanAcademy Account and add me as your coach by following these directions:
First, they should visit their profile by clicking on their name at the top of the page.
Then, they should click on the Coaches tab.
Finally, they need to enter your Coach id and click the Add coach button.
Your Coach id is becky@archwayschool.org.

Monday Oct. 22: Review for Test
Tuesday Oct. 23: Khan Academy in class
Wednesday Oct 24: TEST Day covering Field Trip Chapter Topics include the following:
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division with Positive and Negative Integers
Absolute Values
Graphing points and lines
"Silent Rule" games
Thursday Oct. 25: In class worksheets, NO Homework!

Wednesday Oct. 17: In class warm-up 95 and 97
Homework: 109-116Tuesday Oct. 16th: In class warm-up 83-85
                                Homework: 93-96
Monday Oct. 15th: In class warm-up: 73-76
                                Group work: 77-79
                                Homework: 80-82

Wed. Oct. 3: FT 18, 20-24 due tomorrow
Tuesday Oct. 2nd, Students will need to have their own email address with them in class.
Monday Oct. 1: Remember to have an email address and password that you can access for class tomorrow. FT 3-7 due tomorrow

Friday Sept. 28th: Partner Test In class!

Today the 7th grade students took their MDTP test. You will be notified once the test results are back.

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